ITS comprised 6 events in the 18 months of the pro
1. Kick-off meeting with leaders of partner organizations. Number of Participants: 12 Date and place: 04-08/05/2016 Sassari, Italy.
2.Seminar for the sharing of best practices and the elaboration of a Format TC. Number of Participants: 12 Date and place: 07-11/07/2016 Dakar, Senegal
3. Training and Capacity-Building training course for youth workers, youth organizations and multipliers. Number of Participants: 24 Date and Place: 09-13/09/2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina Methodology: Non-Formal Education
4. Job Shadowing. Number of Participants – 3 Period and Place: 11-25/03/2017 Lima, Peru Methodology: Transferring of knowledge, competences and skills through a learning by doing approach. The job shadower benefited from a new working environment.
5. Job Shadowing. Number of Participants- 3 Period and Place: 06 -21 May 2017 Dakar, Senegal Methodology: Transferring of knowledge, competences and skills through a learning by doing approach. The job shadower benefited from a new working environment.
6. Meeting – evaluation and future action planning. Number of Participants: 24 Date and Place: 04-11/07/2017 Nairobi, Kenya Methodology: Selection of all outcomes and feedback from the partner organizations leaders. Brainstorming and planning future transcontinental actions. Round tables, discussions.
The Kick Off Meeting, the Seminar, the Conference in Argentina and the Evaluation Meeting in Kenya were all oriented on provide the best quality to the Format TC Publication with the long term goal of follow up actions in other countries.
Key identifying features of the creation of the Publication of Format Training Course: all the activities in ITS were delivered using the non-formal education methods (Salto/Compass as resources of inspiration). Visit Prior the events, the participating youth workers were requested to perform some research related to relevant topics and usefull for the Publication.
All the participants were awarded with a YouthPass certificate and with the certificate of attendance.
The publication explores the ETS approach (theory and practice) and use the following tools:
– activities to increase mutual understanding of the participants, icebreaking games and other non-formal learning tools;
– adaptive games and role-plays that will show how to enable inclusion of people with special needs;
– local and international experts will deliver sessions, the team will invite psychologist that will lead specific sessions related to the issue;
– brainstorming, team working, round table, interactive discussions that will serve to exchange opinions and to get different points of view, it also serves as a great indicator of the quality of the TC;
– simulations and presentations will be as well actively used;
– last but not least, facilitators led debates as it is the cornerstone of democracy and therefore it’s an essential skill for every citizen to be aware of in any situation, visit
Major objectives we wanted to facilitate in the work of youth workers:
– To be able to guide the groups of children and youngsters by using sport as an educational tool
– To aim to share ideas, promote critical thinking and creativity; – To be able to reflect on personal values;
– To raise awareness of cultural values and the importance of being positive and active contributor to the community.
We wanted to reach that after a few interactions with the youth workers, children start to realise the importance of teamwork, respect, commitment, passion and the power of their own initiations in their daily life.
In this way our work focuses on and develops 3 key areas what is truly important nowadays while working with youngsters:
• Cultural awareness
• Community involvement
• Social development