Balanced Living through Healthy Nutrition Habits
Start: 01-01-2020 – End: 31-12-2021
Project Reference: 612987-EPP-1-2019-1-RO-SPO-SSCP
EU Grant: 51725 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Sport
Action Type: Collaborative Partnerships
Balanced Living through Healthy Nutrition Habits (BLHNH) addresses the challenge of promoting a mutually reinforcing combination between Sport activity and healthy practices of living (including proper nutrition and non-sedentary lifestyles) as a means of enhancing a greater physical and mental wellbeing at the level of the youth.The audience of project beneficiaries at the ultimate level is composed of young people aged 16-24 in partner countries and Europe. The main youth sub-category addressed is composed of youngsters with fewer opportunities (NEETs, early school leavers) with a view to addressing the direct relationship between low rates of physical activity and belonging to disadvantaged groups. The project is carried out in cooperation with and according to their health standards. The direct audience of targets includes Sport operators (Coaches and Trainers active in grassroots Sport organizations), youth operators (NGO trainers) working with the youth in a complementary fashion to formal education and health practitioners (nutritionists and fitness experts specialized in youth health). The specific activities carried out by BLHNH will be the following: 1) Analysis of successful practices of youth education in Sport participation, physical activity and health-enhancing nutrition. 2) Production of a good practices Handbook. 3) Creation of a Training Format for mixed groups of professionals (Sport Coaches/Trainers, NGO Trainers, Nutrition practitioners) providing them with the methods of non-formal learning to convey a holistic practice of healthy lifestyle to the youth. 4) Implementation of local trainings for professionals at the level of each partner country/organization. 5) Implementation of local activities with disadvantaged young people .6) Creation of a Textbook for operators across sectors to promote healthy lifestyles among the youth through non-formal learning.7) Implementation of awareness-raising activities at local level.8) Project Web Platform in multiple languages storing project information and educational contents.