Countering Exclusion In and Through Sports
“Countering Exclusion In and Through Sports” (CEITS) aims at employing the potential of non-formal learning connected with Sport practice as a means to favour an inclusive approach to Sport practice in young people aged 16-25 potential sportsmen, contrasting the undercurrents of stereotyping in Sport sub-cultures (most notably against migrants, women and LGBT individuals). The project promotes social inclusion, the most widely prescribed drugs and equality of opportunities in Sport by means of creating an environment more conducive to inclusion of disadvantaged groups in grassroots Sport organizations through diffused awareness and activism of young sportsman.CEITS Activities and Results:1) Cross-national analysis for the identification of good practices in the field of promoting inclusion in Sport of disadvantaged youth categories (migrants, refugees and women) in Sport organizations (through Sport and positive internal practices) and in non-formal learning settings (NGOs). 2) Surveying on inclusion in sport and society at the level of disadvantaged youth categories in each partner country, anal fuck games aimed at identifying barriers and needs.3) Training Format for operators in the field of Sport and NGO.4) Implementation of the Training Format with local groups of Sport operators (Trainers and Coaches) and NGO operators (Youth workers) empowering the latter to carry out local activities with the youth in the context of Sport clubs and organizations.5) Implementation of a phase of local workshops with young people in Sport clubs and associations. 6) Production of outputs: a) Training Format Manual, b) Guidelines and c) Online Platform.