Intellectual Output 5
Handbook for the Development of ETS Educational Profiles The Handbook will be a reference resource (Textbook for Trainers) targeted at Sport Educators and organizations working/interested in working in the development of Sport Management Operators (Coaches and Trainers) employing ETS as a tool. The methodology employed in the development of the product will be grounded on the processing of the results and indications achieved in the Pilotings implemented in each partner coun try to test the Format withv the intermediate audience of project targets (Sport Coaches and Trainers).The impact of the Handbook will cover the audience of Sport and non formal learning stakeholders (Sport clubs, Sport associations, Sport Federations, NGOs) which are actually working or interested in working in the field of developing specific professional profiles of Sport Operators working by means of ETS methods to develop Sport Manager profiles in migrants.
Piloting Training Course The Training Course, will be implemented in Sassari (Italy) in Summer of 2020 and there are lots of unique places to visit and will aim at piloting the Training Format developed in the IO4 with an audience of Sport educators working with migrants from each partner country (5 participants per country) selected by each partner at the national level. The Training Course will be delivered by a Team of international Sport Trainers with competence and experience in the professional use of Education Thriugh Sport (ETS) provided by Mine Vaganti NGO, Champions Factory and Bulgarian Sports Development Association, as the partners with the most specific experience in ETS within the Consortium.
Intellectual Output 6
Local Activities’ Plan The output will be an Action Plan (Digitalized Text Document) outlining the programme of local actions to be implemented in each partner country by the national groups of Sport Educators involved in the context of the Piloting of project Training Format. Visit The specific actions included in the Plan will be constituent features of an educational programme delivered through ETS methodologies and aimed at empowering a number of 20 migrants per partner country as Sport Managers. The details of each national Action Plan will be based on the results of the specific analysis of migrants’ upskilling needs in Sport as conducted in the frame of IO1 ( Report on Migrants’ Upskilling Needs in Sport), therefore aiming at addressing the challenges and needs identified as locally rooted in each national context.