Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Youth
CB Youth "A Path to TranSportAction"
MVNGO is a partner organization in the Erasmus Plus Capacity Building Youth project “A Path to TranSportAction” (APTSA), coordinated by the Croatian organization “Rijeka Sport’s Association”, The project involves a total of 5 ...
Mine Vaganti NGO coordinated from April 2016 a Capacity Building in the frame of Youth.
The Executive Agency in Bruxelles (EACEA) granted our project “Inclusion Through...
Women empowerment through sport” (WEtS) is a 24 month Capacity Building in the field of Youth project coordinated by the Bulgarian organization “Champions...
Learning through Sports “Learning through Sports” (LTS) is an 18-months trans-continental Capacity Building in the Field of Youth project that aims to develop, test and...
Health Practices for Own Self-Improvement (HEPOSI) The project is a Capacity Building in the Youth field coordinated by Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria), ...
“Growing in Insight-Ability of Mobility” “Growing in Insight-ability of Mobility” (GIM) is a capacity building project involving 4 partners from Romania