the ICSE Platform
Sport can teach values such as fairness, teambuilding, equality, discipline, inclusion, perseverance and respect. Sport has the power to provide a universal framework for learning values, thus contributing to the development of soft skills needed for responsible citizenship (
The platform intends to evidence and reflect on how sport is broadening traditional educational paradigms, bringing in new tools and procedures. An integrated and multi-sectoral perspective on Education Through Sport [ETS] and its application scenarios
The International Conference on Sport and Education (ICSE) intents to function as a Platform for sharing best practices, debate and focus on employing the methodology of ETS as a vehicle of upskilling and curricular enhancement of Sport with an extra attention to disadvantaged target groups, fostering inclusion and equal opportunities in as well as through Sports
ICSE 2022 scope
Sports tourism is one of the most demanded types of tourism. In particular, with the disappearance of borders, by making appropriate planning, almost everyone can participate in sports tourism organizations actively or as an audience. In the simplest terms, sports tourism can be defined as a type of tourism created by those who travel for the purpose of sporting activities (Alpull, Ak; 2018).
The International Conference aims to explore how education and tourism are changing through sport, as well as to analyze regional and local development impacts and perspectives in the fields of management, inclusiveness, business and sustainability. Bringing together experts from various sectors – universities, sports federations, companies – ICSE 22 will draw a global cross-section of the phenomenon, enabling understanding, knowledge sharing and the identification of new ways of applying the language of sport to performance models in the edu-tourism sector.
As key dimension of added European value its the embedding an approach of transnational and cross-sectorial research, the conference will focus and display on:
- ETS methodology towards a comprehensive model of general applicability – To address a wider usability and impact across the European spectrumSport as an educational tool: components as mentorship, skills, training, reflection and intervention are now inherent in the concept of ETS. Therefore, this educational model, following the framework of non-formal education [NFE], could be increasingly applied for various fields and purposes.
- Leisure, Tourism and Education – Sport as an accelerator for the development of the territory: encourage the teaching and dissemination of managerial models for the growth of sports tourism by focusing on the realization of major sporting events and the preservation of traditional games.
Sport and Integration / Inclusion A basis of further initiatives and policy-making efforts at all levels in the field, EUROSTAT depict a frame of consistent disparity between migrants and locals in access to employability opportunities.
- Social research on sport management – Good governance in sport: strengthening the skills of managers of semi-professional women’s sports teams through an up-skill process related to marketing, communication and visibility strategies. The results of the RINMSASFT project study from a transnational and integrated approach towards gender equality.
- A dual career path for sport athletes – Combining a sports career with education and work: how education changes and evolves to meet the needs of many professional and semi-professional athletes in their post-career placement. Dedicated pathways and cross-sectoral competences in the European Union policy framework.
ICSE 2022 academic papers
For information and submission – visit the dedicated the dedicated Call for Papers page
ICSE 2022 Interaction
Themes and cases within the ICSE 2022 scope will be discussed from various angles, including expected societal and economic benefits, ethics, public perceptions and involvement, and the regulatory framework. The conference will address the key themes in plenary sessions where keynote speakers will present challenging views and innovative / empowerment tools. During the plenary sessions opportunities will be provided. for keynote speakers to present their experiences, research and visions, which in turn will be challenged by the organizers and/or participants engagement during the sessions.
Closed by a participatory session, a speakers forum will engage the audience to address Q&A’s on presentations held and in a debate over potential partnerships and schemes of European follow-up – to further develop the ICSE platform and enhance its sustainability in a long-term perspective. Coffee and lunch breaks will offer participants the opportunity to discuss conference topics and renew their networks with research, user groups and stake holding representatives
ICSE 2022 Outcomes
- Identification of key concerns and issues. These e.g. include ethical implications, environmental disturbances, economic balance of power, legal implications, intellectual property, philosophical-religious considerations, and political decision making.
- Insight into the ways these aspects can be involved in decision making processes of associations, social enterprises, companies, research, policy makers, interest groups so as to enable truly informed choices, and to link the scientific and migrant empowerment in and through sport to societal goals
- Exploration of future trends in society and sport.
ICSE Berlin - 24 November 2022
International audience – The positioning of the conference will be on a European level and English spoken. Where relevant examples will be used from both Local up to International experiences, with specific reference to Sport and Toursim, and related aspects of ETS.
Who will attend – This full day conference is intended for all those who feel they have a stake in Sports, Education and Tourism’ This means bringing together representatives on a real interdisciplinary level – from user groups, developers, policymakers, scientists – professionals from Sport Clubs, NGOs, educational institutions, universities, public authorities, social enterprises – etc.
Support in promoting the ICSE 22 to colleagues and relevant relations is appreciated. Stakeholders and interested are welcome to engage live or in ZOOM at the International Conference in Berlin.
Organization – The conference will be held under the aegis of NGO NEST Berlin (as host), Izmir Katib Celebi University and Mine Vaganti NGO. For further inquiry about the international conference, please contac ICSE Advisory committee’s contact-person:
Dr. Roberto Solinas, President Mine Vaganti NGO – Tel: +39 079 601 0000 eMail: