MigrActionS (MAS)
According to the “Action Plan on the integration of third-country nationals” adopted by the EC on the 7th June 2016, Education and training are the most powerful tools for integration and the acquisition of basic skills is the foundation for further learning and the gateway to employment and social inclusion. In 2017, the number of people who immigrated to Germany exceeded the number of those who emigrated by roughly 416,000 people and the total population with migrant background reached 19.3 million. In 2016, net immigration had amounted to roughly 500,000. For the City of Essen, the interaction of institutions, specialist service providers, and organizations with the local migrant organizations is an important component of the municipal integration strategy. These associations reach many residents with a variety of original backgrounds and cultures, and are often the first point of contact. This kind of organizations perform valuable integration tasks in their role as mediators and service providers. Germany has undergone extensive immigration and emigration flows throughout its history. Today, more than 22 percent of the population have a migration background. (…) The reactions among the population oscillated between euphoric readiness to take in refugees and violent rejection of those seeking protection, between a “welcome culture” and the demand for isolation, between cosmopolitanism and nationalism (J. Oltmer -2018).
The project aims to enhance professional development of involved staff member learners due to the acquistion of skills of involved staff member learners, acquisition of knowledge and methodologies of applicant organization and a considerable impact on local communities
Exclusion experienced by Adult migrants consequently influence their descendants. For this reason, the promoter organisation, JuBuK will widely benefit from the involvement of Trainers part of its own staff in a comprehensive educational programme, in connections with established European organizations in possession of specific expertise in the field of innovative instruments of non–formal learning who work both on youth and adult inclusion.
JuBuK wants to invest in the empowerment of its human resources, Trainers, Educators and Board Members, in order to reach 3 different specific objectives:
- Fostering the development of the capacities and operational variety of its staff of experienced educators, with a focus on ETS, NFE and Digital Storytelling in the Adult field.
- Establishing regular, long-term partnerships for the exchange of knowledge and good practices aswell as the presentation of joint initiatives, thus extending the scope and outreach of JuBuK’sinitiatives.
- Acquisition of competences of project design and management in the field of specific interest of the organization within the Erasmus+ programme, related to the social support to foster integration and, thereby to the social inclusion and employability of Adults people with migrant background and minorities suffering from educational difficulties.
Abovementioned objectives will be reached through 3 mobilities as follows:
5 Trainers taking part in a TC in Italy delivered by the partner MVNGO aimed at developing knowledge, skills and methods to employ ETS methodologies with the ultimate target.
5 Trainers taking part in the TC in Cyprus hosted by the partner DOREA aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills allowing them to improve NFE competences as well as integrate the Digital Storytelling approach in their regular activities, facilitating communication and intercultural dialogue within the ultimate target.
2 Board Members taking part in a Job Shadowing comprised of work-based learning in the facilities of the host organization MVNGO, in which are envisaged regular exchange of good practices and brainstorming for the creation of partnership schemes and project proposals in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme KA1 and KA2 Adult Field.
Main envisaged Impact and results of MigrActionS project are:
– Enhanced professional development of involved staff member learners due to the acquisition of skills in using the educational approaches of ETS, NFE and Digital Storytelling in a fashion customized to the social needs of the ultimate target group of their regular activities (Adults with migrant background).
– Applicant organization acquisition of knowledge and methodologies regarding unconventional instruments/approaches of education by the staff members taking part in project mobilities, internaly disseminated and operationally tested by the organization, will lay the grounds for a long-term enhancement in the number, quality and attractiveness of its regular activities with the ultimate target group.
-A considerable and sustainable impact will be determined on local communities, in particular socialy excluded Adults with a migrant background through the improvement in number, quality and appeal of JuBuK’s activities targeted at serving the human development and social inclusion of these categories through educational methodologies. A long-term impact it is envisaged through the massive promotion and dissemination of project contents with stakeholders at local, regional, national and international levels.