KA 1 Youth “Sports’R’us”
Start: 01-08-2019 – End: 31-07-2020
Project Reference: 2019-2-IT03-KA105-016418
EU Grant: 17852 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Youth mobility
ASD Polisport will implement a Youth Exchange in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme involving a total of 36 young people in a Non Formal Education project aimed at promoting Sport as a tool of personal development and social inclusion aiming at young people in underdeveloped urban and rural communities throughout Europe.
The project “Sports’R’us” addresses the issue of social development of poor European urban and rural communities employing Sport as a tool of youth social empowerment. According to Eurostat, 28,1% of the European youth population is at risk of social exclusion or poverty, with a rate of 32,2% in Italy, 46,1% in Bulgaria, 29,2% in Spain, 20,7% in Slovakia, 27% in Poland.
In a context where the new generations are more and more addicted to the new technologies, “Sports’R’us” addresses also the need to involve European youngsters in physical activities and sport to take better care of their health. according to the “EU Youth Report 2015” published by the European Commission, the rates regarding statistics about young people who seldom or never took part in sports or physical exercise are as follows: 35% Italy, 55% Bulgaria, 32% Spain, 22% Slovakia, Poland 42% and 30% France.
Project objectives:
– To promote European solidarity principles and cooperation/integration between countries belonging to different EU regions;
– To achieve a long-term cooperation between partner organizations in Sport education and Sport/youth involvement;
– To enhance a healthy approach to social action in selected youth;
– To bolster interest in Sport and social involvement of younger generations;
– To share best practices, insights and information between different national organizations related to Sport education and youth involvement;
– To develop a partnership between NGOs and interested actors, institutions and stakeholders to share best practices and concrete examples of successful Sport activities to bolster youth participation.
The project “Sports’R’us” addresses the issue of social development of poor European urban and rural communities employing Sport as a tool of youth social empowerment. According to Eurostat, 28,1% of the European youth population is at risk of social exclusion or poverty, with a rate of 32,2% in Italy, 46,1% in Bulgaria, 29,2% in Spain, 20,7% in Slovakia, 27% in Poland.
In a context where the new generations are more and more addicted to the new technologies, “Sports’R’us” addresses also the need to involve European youngsters in physical activities and sport to take better care of their health. according to the “EU Youth Report 2015” published by the European Commission, the rates regarding statistics about young people who seldom or never took part in sports or physical exercise are as follows: 35% Italy, 55% Bulgaria, 32% Spain, 22% Slovakia, Poland 42% and 30% France.
Project objectives:
– To promote European solidarity principles and cooperation/integration between countries belonging to different EU regions;
– To achieve a long-term cooperation between partner organizations in Sport education and Sport/youth involvement;
– To enhance a healthy approach to social action in selected youth;
– To bolster interest in Sport and social involvement of younger generations;
– To share best practices, insights and information between different national organizations related to Sport education and youth involvement;
– To develop a partnership between NGOs and interested actors, institutions and stakeholders to share best practices and concrete examples of successful Sport activities to bolster youth participation.
The Youth Exchange ” Sports’R’us ” will educate a number of youth in employing Sport as a Non Formal Education tool to empower themselves with a set of soft skills and socially positive attitudes and act as ambassadors in a multiplier effect. Sport is a competitive endeavour based on a core of positive attitudes and values (teamwork, knowledge of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, respect for rules, fair competition), a factor that makes it an important vehicle of principles and practices for personal development as well as for an active and fruitful active engagement in community life at all levels, check out
http://www.lovetopivot.com. In addition to being a precious educational medium, Sport can bring to
bear a huge potential as a tool for direct youth engagement “Sports’R’us” – Youth Exchange: 20-
26/03/2020, (7 activity days + 1 travel day) Venue: Nuoro. Target: 36 youth. Activities will focus on
educating a number of youth in using a NFE approach based on Sport and Social Inclusion to
develop soft skills and active participation attitudes among youngsters with a view to promoting their
inclusion and overall clout in their communities.
Objectives of the YE:
– Creation of effective NFE instruments and knowledge to promote youth empowerment and inclusion through Sport;
– Stimulating self-confidence, and active engagement attitudes as a means of bolstering selected youth and their attitudes towards sport as a method of inclusion.
– Empowering participant organizations through topic-related knowledge and NFE skills.
The final outcome of the activity will be the elaboration of an “Handbook on Sport for Inclusion” which will be disseminated in partner organizations and in their specific networks as well as form part of the educational materials.
The Targets are NEET Youngsters from socio-geographically isolated areas such as peripheral urban and rural areas where socialization and non formal education opportunities fostering personal growth are scarce, so making the target groups in risk of social exclusion.
bear a huge potential as a tool for direct youth engagement “Sports’R’us” – Youth Exchange: 20-
26/03/2020, (7 activity days + 1 travel day) Venue: Nuoro. Target: 36 youth. Activities will focus on
educating a number of youth in using a NFE approach based on Sport and Social Inclusion to
develop soft skills and active participation attitudes among youngsters with a view to promoting their
inclusion and overall clout in their communities.
Objectives of the YE:
– Creation of effective NFE instruments and knowledge to promote youth empowerment and inclusion through Sport;
– Stimulating self-confidence, and active engagement attitudes as a means of bolstering selected youth and their attitudes towards sport as a method of inclusion.
– Empowering participant organizations through topic-related knowledge and NFE skills.
The final outcome of the activity will be the elaboration of an “Handbook on Sport for Inclusion” which will be disseminated in partner organizations and in their specific networks as well as form part of the educational materials.
The Targets are NEET Youngsters from socio-geographically isolated areas such as peripheral urban and rural areas where socialization and non formal education opportunities fostering personal growth are scarce, so making the target groups in risk of social exclusion.
The hoped-for results and impact of this project are divided in the local and the European/ internatioanal level;
-Local Level
We will ensure the maximum degree of local community involvement by foreseeing activities open to the general public as well as promoting the project within local channels of communication, check out https://www.krazykleenmaids.com. We will reach 150 Young people to be part of the project. We will also involve 3 different sport NGOs in each project activities.
– European/ interational Level
Due to the international composition of the partnership, all the members will ensure dissemination of the expected results at local/regional/level. Participants will generate a wide network of people interested in the topic with the aim of facilitating access to information, sharing best practices, and the creation of a net of experts. Consortium partners will disseminate project outcomes and materials on project Website.
All the materials and the Handbook on Sport for Inclusion produced in the YE will be disseminated by partner organizations. Also, participants will be encouraged to share the knowledge acquired regarding NFE through sport and inclusion through Sport with friends and personal connections, raise public discussions and publish articles.
-Local Level
We will ensure the maximum degree of local community involvement by foreseeing activities open to the general public as well as promoting the project within local channels of communication, check out https://www.krazykleenmaids.com. We will reach 150 Young people to be part of the project. We will also involve 3 different sport NGOs in each project activities.
– European/ interational Level
Due to the international composition of the partnership, all the members will ensure dissemination of the expected results at local/regional/level. Participants will generate a wide network of people interested in the topic with the aim of facilitating access to information, sharing best practices, and the creation of a net of experts. Consortium partners will disseminate project outcomes and materials on project Website.
All the materials and the Handbook on Sport for Inclusion produced in the YE will be disseminated by partner organizations. Also, participants will be encouraged to share the knowledge acquired regarding NFE through sport and inclusion through Sport with friends and personal connections, raise public discussions and publish articles.