MVNGO sport branch
bringing education through
sport around the world

MVNGO Sport Branch

Sports department of

The MVNGO Sport Branch Founded in 2012, works on projects dealing with Sport and Non Formal Education. Composed by 8 active members, among whom are 4 international sport professionals / athletes, the aim of MNGO Sport Branch is to foster and improve the use of NFE and Sport combined, as a tool for education; social inclusion; mutual understanding; entrepreneurial development and leadership.

ETS methodology is also used as instrument of youth/adults/NEET/Migrants inclusion is one of MVNGO’s key areas of expertise. MVNGO Sport Branch’s professionals would like to further develop knowledge and competences in youth/adult/sport workers around the world, on the following areas: − Principles of NFE Sports tools − New teaching methods and tools on education through sport − Sport Management competences Mine Vaganti NGO has displayed a long-standing focus on the use of Sport as a tool of social inclusion, with a specific focus on disadvantaged categories, among whom migrants.









We are Professionals in the field of Sport Education and Innovation

In 2018, MVNGO’s Sport Branch achieved an outstanding result and additional seal of the level of quality reached in the educational use of Sport with the approval of the BIG Collaborative Partnership “Curricular Pathways for Migrants’ Empowerment in Sport” (CPMES).

The project, coordinated by MVNGO, aims at promoting social inclusion of migrant categories through developing profiles of Sport Managers in migrants. In 2019, 15 approved Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnerships Project have our organisation as valuable partner.