Education through Sport Network
“Education through Sport Network” (ETSN) is a 12-month Small Collaborative Partnership Erasmus+ Project, involving 5 organizations from 5 different countries with the aim to reinforce an existing informal ETS network and to develop it into an open and transparent transnational community of organizations and experts, who actively use the Education through Sports methodology (ETS). “Education through Sport Network” is in line with several European youth policies in the field of sport.
- ERASMUS+ Sport programme, which aims to develop the European dimension in sport and to increase cooperation between sport organisations, as ETSN will develop an official network between the partner organisations which will have long-term commitment. ETSN will also contribute to the recognition and validation of skills acquired through NFE, which is another of the milestones of ERASMUS+ Sport programme.
- European Union Work Plan for Sport (2011-2014) which focuses on establishing sustainable networks between Sports Clubs and Organisations active in the field of sport on an European Level.
The White Paper on Sport – with which the Commission encourages employers, athletes and sports workers to shape labour relations through European social dialogue. There are social dialogue committees for professional football and for active leisure. - Europe 2020 Strategy and also EU Strategy on Youth 2010-2018 – which clearly have stated that there is a need of a sustainable impact on how learners develop different competences and use them, on how open they are to change and innovation. The “Education through Sport Network” and its uniqueness – using Education through Sport and Non-Formal Education as tools will significantly contribute to reach these and another one of the main objectives of the EU Youth Strategy for 2010-18, which is “to encourage young people to actively participate in society.”
After conducting an internal survey within the partner consortium identifying the needs of each organization, the coordinating organization reached to the conclusion that “Education through Sport Network” responds to the needs of the consortium members:
– To exchange good practices in the field of empowering youth through sports and thus, build up organisational capacities
– To acquire new Education through Sports tools and programs
– To build up a strong and long-term partnership network with international youth organisations.
The partner consortium of “Education through Sport Network” believes that the youth organisations are the key to tackle the above issues, and it is our main objective to provide opportunities for further education and opportunities for social engagement to all young people. We also believe in the power of sports to do so, because sport is a universal language, a cost-effective and flexible tool in promoting peace, personal and social development looking for san diego airport to escondido transport. The Partner Consortium is composed of youth organisations committed to empowering young people through sports activities and providing them with opportunities for positive social engagement and fruitful life. All partner organisations work with youngsters from the most deprived areas and from the most disadvantaged backgrounds within their countries.
The Partner Consortium consists of 4 organizations and 1 Sports Club, all of which are active in the field of sport and have in their priorities the ambition to grow, to develop the tools they work with, to improve the approaches to their target group, exploring the innovative methods for education. Moreover, all partners were selected by Champions Factory LTD, bearing in mind their geographical disposition, as they cover the borders of the EU on the South-East (Bulgaria), on the North-West (Ireland), including the South (Italy) and the West (United Kingdom), which ensures great coverage of the European Union.