Good Governance in Sport

Project Facebook Page

“Good Governance in Sport” is a Collaborative Partnership Sport coordinated by the Bulgarian NGO Bulgarian Sports Development Association, with MVNGO in the role of a partner organization.

The Consortium of the project is composed of 7 organizations from Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Greece.

The project will implement various activities at the local, national and international levels with a focus on development, identification, analyzing, promotion and sharing of good practices in good governance as well as giving recommendations to some of the observed practices that can be improved.

Until the moment, across Europe efforts are being made to try and raise governance standards in the sports sector, specifically around the principles of democracy, transparency, accountability in decision-making, and inclusiveness in the representation of interested stakeholders. While taking into account the great diversity of sport structures in different European countries, the EU aims to strengthen the organisation of sport in Europe. The proper approach should be to provide added value to work at national level by collecting and sharing good practices and providing practical recommendations that will help increase standards of good governance in sport.

The project will produce a total of 3 Intellectual Ouputs:

1- A Survey on Good Governance in Sport related to the accountability of European/National sport organizations on their public web pages.

2- A Self-Learning path on good governance in Sport for the self-development of sport leaders and managers, which will give the possibility of assessing the level of accountability and transparency of the webpage of a sport organization that is important part of the good governance processes in an organization

3- An Accountability and Transparency Handbook for sport organizations including tips and tricks on the optimization of the web page of a Sport organization.

The activities implemented during the project will be the following:

Kick-off meeting with partners’ representatives (4 persons per country)

Mid-term Transnational Meeting (4 persons per country)

Dissemination event in all partner countries, involving project teams at the local level

Training Course about accountability and transparency in Sport (5 participants per country+2 members of the management team per country)

Dissemination event in all partner countries (project teams at the local level)

Final Conference with partners’ representatives (4 persons per country)