CP Big Sport NFE&Sport
The "A pathway to community development" project seeks to offer target groups the opportunity to undergo non-formal education trainings using sport as a tool for education. The project will serve…
Big Collaborative Partnership in Sport
The "A pathway to community development" project seeks to offer target groups the opportunity to undergo non-formal education trainings using sport as a tool for education. The project will serve…
The ADMINS project addresses the need for fostering the job-related skills and competences of sports administration employees, who in turn strengthen the capacities of sports organizations and contribute to better…
The main topic of the project Re(IN)novating Marketing Strategy Across Semi-professional Female Teams is to improve governance in sport
PARAdig aims to promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development to help sportsmen for their subsequent employment
Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnerships Project Title: Professional and Personal Experience through Lifeling Learning and Regular Sport (PROPELLERS) Project duration: 01/01/2019 - 30/06/2021 The 'Professional and Personal Experience through Lifelong Learning…
The project aims to foster informal education of volunteers how all the services in the organization of the sports international competition function
Promotion of Physical Activity of the Youth through Active Mobility to School (PAYAMOS) is a Collaborative Partnership of Erasmus+ to promote sport
This projects aims at the creation and promotion of social inclusion through sports by organizing European Week of Sport
MVNGO is a partner in the context of the Erasmus + Sport Collaborative Partnership “European Everyday of Sport” coordinated by the Bulgarian NGO “BulSport”, with the contribution of an international Consortium of 7 NGOs from 7 European countries Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania , Poland, Slovakia..
Good Governance in Sport Project is a Collaborative Partnership Sport coordinated by the Bulgarian NGO Bulgarian Sports Development Association, with MVNGO in the role of a partner organization. The Consortium of the project is composed of 7 organizations from Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Greece