Setting Parameters and Educational Tools of Women Empowerment in Sport
SPETWES aims at enhancing the inclusion of women and girls in sport by delivering toolsets targeting sports organizations to motivate and support women’s participation in sport as Athletes and Coaches.
The project partnership is composed of sports clubs from 3 partner countries (Italy, Bulgaria and Greece) with direct and long-standing experience in female sports.
Through transnational cooperation, the SPETWES actions directly contribute to increasing the rate of retention of young women in sport practice and coaching professions.
Project Topics:
- To promote education in and through sport with a special focus on skill development;
- To support gender equality in sport;
- To support the continued participation of women in sports as Athletes and Coaches;
Target groups
- Young women aged 16-25 initiating a pattern of participation in Sport as Athletes ;
- Young women aged 18-25 established members of Sport organizations seeking to develop as Coaches and working regularly with Athletes inside the organization;
Start: 01-01-2021 – End: 31-12-2022