CP Small Sport SPETWES
Setting Parameters and Educational Tools of Women Empowerment in Sport SPETWES aims at enhancing the inclusion of women and girls in sport by delivering toolsets targeting sports organizations to motivate…
Erasmus+ Small Collaborative Partnership Sport
Setting Parameters and Educational Tools of Women Empowerment in Sport SPETWES aims at enhancing the inclusion of women and girls in sport by delivering toolsets targeting sports organizations to motivate…
Let's Include is a Erasmus+ Sport Small Collaborative Partnership aiming to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport
Erasmus+ Sport Small Collaborative Partnerships PROJECT DATES: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021 The project is a small collaborative partnership in the field of sport whose goal is to prevent radicalisation of young…
“Education through Sport Network” (ETSN) is a 12-month Small Collaborative Partnership Erasmus+ Project, involving 5 organizations from 5 different countries with the aim to reinforce an existing informal ETS network and to develop it into an open and transparent transnational community of organizations and experts, who actively use the Education through Sports methodology (ETS).
“Building healthy Communities, changing opportunities” is a Collaborative Partnership Sport coordinated by the Bulgarian NGO Mundus Bulgaria, with MVNGO as a partner organization. The Consortium involves 5 organizations from Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, Cyprus and Italy. The project aims at proposing concrete measures in view of promoting voluntary activities in sports…
Mine Vaganti NGO coordinates the Collaborative Partnership in the Sport field “Young Ambassadors for Sport and Volunteering” involving an international Consortium of 3 organizazions from Dennmark (TIK Volley), Bulgaria, (BulSport) and Poland (Regional Volunteer Center of Kielce). The project aims at promoting voluntary activities in Sport..
Winter Sport is Coming Abstract “WinterSport is Coming” (WSC) promotes social inclusion and the sense of European citizenship, fostering rejection of stereotyps and intercultural dialogue through enhancing youth participation…